Ferve na parte interna da coxa: causas, fatores de risco, sintomas, tratamento, remédios caseiros, prognóstico

A boil or boil is a skin infection caused by the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. These bacteria thrive in warm, moist regions of the skin such as the armpits, nostrils, crease between the buttocks and the inner thighs. Boils can also spread under the skin and cluster. When such boils occur, the clumps form deeper abscesses, known as carbuncles, which can cause scarring of the skin. Boils may differ in size and color depending on their severity or the amount of skin involved. However, most boils are similar. Usually boils are nothing to worry about and do not require medical attention. Read on to learn more about boils inside the thigh, causes, symptoms, treatment, recovery period and risk factors.

Causes of boils in the inner thigh

Boils form when Staphyloccus bacteria invade the walls of an exposed or damaged hair follicle and colonize it to cause infection. Almost 10 to 20% of the population carries these bacteria. Staphyloccus bacteria can spread through skin-to-skin contact with carriers or people with boils and contact with contaminated objects such as towels and sheets. Infections only occur when the skin’s natural barrier is compromised or broken by factors such as injury or friction. People can develop boils at any age. These swellings usually appear on areas of the body that are prone to friction, especially on the inner thighs.

Risk factors for boils inside the thigh

Some factors that increase the risk of blistering anywhere, including the thighs, are: age over 65, contact with an infected person, skin cuts, work or housing in a crowded area, poor hygiene, smoking, lack of exercise nutrition and obesity. Chronic stress, anemia, iron deficiency, diabetes, immune conditions, skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, and animal scratches or bites can also increase the risk of boils anywhere, including the inner thighs. The use of antibiotics, intravenous drugs and steroids can cause boils.

Other specific factors that contribute to a higher risk of developing inner thigh boils are wearing dirty, loose-fitting or loose clothing while exercising, or engaging in activities that increase friction on the inner thigh and produce a lot of sweat. Exercising or playing sports that cause friction on the inner thighs, such as walking, jogging, cycling, or walking long distances, also increase the chance of blistering on the inner thighs. Boils inside the thighs may also occur as a result of hair removal, waxing and other means of hair removal that break the surface of the skin. Some people face a higher risk of boil complications and are therefore more likely to need medical attention.

Inner thigh boils symptoms

Symptoms of boils on the inner thigh may differ in severity. The boil is usually a round, red bump that can be filled with light-colored pus. The pus discharged from the boils is whitish in color and is composed of dead tissue and blood cells. Boils can form on any part of the body, including the inner thighs. Boils may appear alone or in clumps, collectively called carbuncle. This swollen swelling is sensitive and highly sensitive, and may gradually grow over time. Boils usually last about 10 days. Serious wounds to the inner thighs also lead to symptoms such as  vomiting  ,  nausea  ,  loss of appetite., abnormal weight loss, fever, chills, flu-like symptoms, and unexplained bruising. A person should contact the doctor and seek medical attention when they experience these symptoms with boils on the inner thigh.

Inner thigh boils treatment

The first line of treatment for boils on the inner thighs is to clean the abscess and surrounding skin with warm soapy water. Touching, rubbing or putting pressure on the boil that has just been cleaned should also be avoided. Pus can be attracted to the boil surface in a variety of ways, which increases pressure on the abscess, which can lead to the final rupture of the abscess. The doctor may treat the boil on the inner thigh by making a cut to drain the pus. The procedure is necessary if it is a large or intense boil or if it does not drain on its own. An incision to drain the pus may also be necessary in case of chronic inner boils. Oral antibiotics may also be prescribed to clear the infection in the inner thigh.

Home Remedies for Boils Inside the Thigh

The simplest way to safely drain a boil from the inside of your thigh at home is to gently hold a clean washcloth or towel dipped in very hot water against the boil. This compress should be as warm as possible without burning the skin on the inner thigh. The towel or cloth should be kept in place until it cools. It usually takes several sessions for the boil to burst inside the thigh. When it comes to boils on the inside of the thigh at home, one should never force a boil to break by piercing or squeezing it. Choosing, touching or applying unnecessary pressure to a boil should be avoided. Activities that cause friction between the inner thighs should be avoided as well. A healing boil on the inner thigh should be kept clean and covered with a sterile gauze or bandage. The skin around the swelling should be cleaned daily for a week with a mixture of 70% isopropyl alcohol and 30% water. OTC antibiotics and antiseptic creams and fluids should be applied gently on the affected skin, and anti-inflammatory medications may be taken to relieve pain and discomfort in the inner thigh area. Hands should be cleaned with soap and water or a hand sanitizer after contact with the boil on the inner thigh. Toiletries should be replaced regularly. For severe or chronic infections, all products that come into contact with the body daily should be thoroughly washed. Other family members should practice similar precautions as well. and anti-inflammatory medications may be taken to relieve pain and discomfort in the inner thigh area. Hands should be cleaned with soap and water or a hand sanitizer after contact with the boil on the inner thigh. Toiletries should be replaced regularly. For severe or chronic infections, all products that come into contact with the body daily should be thoroughly washed. Other family members should practice similar precautions as well. and anti-inflammatory medications may be taken to relieve pain and discomfort in the inner thigh area. Hands should be cleaned with soap and water or a hand sanitizer after contact with the boil on the inner thigh. Toiletries should be replaced regularly. For severe or chronic infections, all products that come into contact with the body daily should be thoroughly washed. Other family members should practice similar precautions as well.

Prognóstico de furúnculos na parte interna da coxa

Os furúnculos são uma forma comum de abscesso cutâneo, que se rompe na maioria dos casos após 10 dias de formação. Uma vez que a fervura na parte interna da coxa drena, ela tende a cicatrizar dentro de 1 a 3 semanas. Em certos casos, furúnculos na parte interna da coxa podem causar certas complicações, incluindo mas não se limitando a formação de cicatrizes e formação de cachos doloridos profundos dentro da superfície da pele. Ferimentos graves ou carbúnculos na parte interna da coxa, se não forem tratados, podem levar a condições de risco de vida, como infecções sistêmicas, que podem afetar negativamente a corrente sanguínea ou todo o corpo. Deve-se consultar um médico quando sofrer de furúnculos na parte interna da coxa, que não cicatrizam sozinhos, são muito grandes ou são complicados por outros sintomas ou condições.

Leia também:

Eu sou o Dr. Ruby Crowder e sou especialista em medicina pulmonar e cuidados intensivos. Eu me formei na Universidade da Califórnia, em San Francisco. Eu trabalho no Hospital Geral de São Francisco e Centro de Trauma de Zuckerberg. Eu também sou professor associado de medicina na Universidade da Califórnia, em San Francisco.

Eu pesquisei a epidemiologia e o manejo da tuberculose em países de alta incidência e publiquei muitos remédios e artigos relacionados à saúde sobre o Exenin e em outras revistas médicas.

Finalmente, gosto de viajar, mergulhar e andar de mochila.

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