O que é a doença de Lyme estágio 3?

Lyme disease is an infectious disease caused by a bacterium called borrelia bacteria. It is caused when ticks carrying this bacteria bite a person. Lyme disease, if left untreated or improperly treated, can damage almost every organ in the body, including the heart, brain, joints, nervous system, etc. Therefore, Lyme disease has a wide range of symptoms, as the symptoms are mainly related to the disease. specific organ or organs affected.

What is stage 3 Lyme disease?

Late disseminated infection is the third stage of Lyme disease. At this stage, the infection is fully spread throughout the body. If affected people are not treated or improperly treated, they can develop chronic and serious symptoms that can affect any part of the body. The brain, the eyes, the nerves, the heart, the joints, etc. can be affected, posing a serious threat to life. Deficiencies in many body functions become a serious life-threatening condition.

Lyme Disease Stage 3 Symptoms

  • Extreme fatigue
  • Mental cloudiness, poor concentration
  • Debilitating migraines  or  headaches
  • Dizziness  ,  dizziness
  • Numbness in the legs, hands, feet or arms
  • Migrating pains that come and go in tendons / joints
  • Stiff and sore neck
  • Heart Rhythm Disorders
  •  Joint arthritis or closer to the point of infection
  • Sleep disorders,  insomnia
  • Problems with conversations and processing information.

In the early stages, with prompt and efficient treatment, Lyme disease can be cured. However, treatment is inadequate or inefficient when cases are diagnosed at a later stage. In rare cases, Lyme disease can prove fatal due to this.

The characteristic sign at a Lyme disease is a red center and an expanding red eruption around it in a circular form. It looks like a target and is therefore called a target injury. It looks like a bull’s eye. This rash is known as migratory erythema (MS). The red area in the center is the site of the tick bite. Most people develop this rash. But even if the rash is not present in some cases, the disease may still progress to the second stage. There may be other symptoms like fever, headaches, fatigue etc. The condition, if not treated in the first stage or inadequately treated, can become a more serious problem and cause fatal conditions such as partial or complete facial paralysis,  stiff neck.and severe headaches, arrhythmia, etc. Some may even feel joint inflammation and stiffness and suffer from arthritis. Joints, if affected, can cause severe pain that can occur in fits. In some cases, even if proper treatment is performed, people may have severe symptoms listed above for up to six months or many weeks or months later in life as well.

Let’s look at the classification of stages of Lyme disease. Lyme disease can be classified into three stages according to the spread of infection – early localized infection, early disseminated infection, and late disseminated infection.

Early Localized Infection

When the infection has not spread to the blood and other parts of the body, it is called an early localized infection. The infection is present only at the tick bite site. The sign of this infection is the classic target lesion or migratory erythema. This red rash tends to expand outward and is not itchy or painful. People affected by the disease may also have some other symptoms such as fever, headaches, muscle aches and fatigue. Generally, when the rash is seen at the site of the tick bite, it is considered the first stage of the disease. However, in some cases, the disease may progress to the second stage without the presence of rash.

Early disseminated infection

Uma vez que a infecção local se instala, em alguns dias ou semanas, a infecção começa a se espalhar para o sangue e para as outras partes do corpo. O eritema migratório pode se desenvolver em outras partes do corpo que, de outra forma, não têm conexão direta com o local da picada do carrapato. Nesses casos, muitos sintomas neurológicos graves e agudos, como paralisia facial parcial ou completa, meningite, encefalite leve, etc., afetam as pessoas. O coração também pode ser afetado, e o sistema de condução elétrica do coração pode ficar chateado, resultando em arritmias.

Infecção tardia disseminada é o terceiro estágio da doença de Lyme.

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Eu sou o Dr. Ruby Crowder e sou especialista em medicina pulmonar e cuidados intensivos. Eu me formei na Universidade da Califórnia, em San Francisco. Eu trabalho no Hospital Geral de São Francisco e Centro de Trauma de Zuckerberg. Eu também sou professor associado de medicina na Universidade da Califórnia, em San Francisco.

Eu pesquisei a epidemiologia e o manejo da tuberculose em países de alta incidência e publiquei muitos remédios e artigos relacionados à saúde sobre o Exenin e em outras revistas médicas.

Finalmente, gosto de viajar, mergulhar e andar de mochila.

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